Video Transcription
Hey everyone, hope you’re having a great day. Manny Cabral here from Simcoe house buyers. Just got back from Hamilton, Ontario. I just wanted to give everybody out there a quick peek at a property we’re working on. This one needs extensive renovations. We bought this from a gentleman who wanted to get rid of it really quickly he didn’t want to deal with real estate agents and putting it on MLS or spending any money on it.
It was in really, really poor condition. So he gave me a call, I met up with him. Great gentlemen. We ended up agreeing on a price and from the day we signed the agreement, which was that day, and I actually had the agreement with me, Check in hand. We closed 15 days later, so it was quick. It was simple and again, we’ve got no legal fee costs. We take care of all of that.
We can even help with rubbish removal. You can leave whatever you want behind. It’s really easy and then you pick your closing date. So it can be as quick as 15 days like this gentleman picked or if you need 30 or 60 days or whatever the case may be. We’re good with that. We want to make this really easy for you.
So here’s a little walk through on the work that we’re actually doing on the property. So here’s a quick peek at this property. It was in quite rough shape. A lot of work needs to be done. Nothing was literally updated since this house was built in the 50s. All the water lines, everything has to be replaced, all the electrical. We had water issues upstairs in the bathroom so it’s completely gutted. We’ve got somebody in there right now just removing some more of the walls and all the fixtures are out. As you can have a look in there, it’s pretty well gutted out.
We’ve got all new windows going in the house, all new windows, all new doors. Pretty well a complete complete update. So it’s a very extensive renovation. Floors being done, a lot of work going on here. It’s a three bedroom and this is in Hamilton. There’s one of the bedrooms.
Now off down to the basement. We had to completely gut this basement. It was in pretty bad shape. All kinds of water issues, so waterproofing and all kinds of stuff going on. So this is going to be a complete redo down here. So we’re going to spend quite a bit of money in this property to get it up to where it should be and then put it back up on MLS. But these are the type of properties that we’re buying and we love to buy these properties and we can buy these really fast with cash.